has published a list of 10 tips for forgetting all about work, to help you unplugging from work and take full advantage of your vacation In this era of smartphones, portable computers and iPads, it’s difficult to resist the temptation to check your messages at any time, wherever you are. With these wonderful, convenient new […]
Well there you go, you have signed your contract and you will integrate your new employer with new responsibilities and a new team on Monday morning: meeting 8.30am. Although you have been selected from among numerous candidates and you have shown good qualities in the interview, remember that the game doesn’t end there…on the contrary. […]
Almost nobody can escape it. At one moment or another, whether working at the office or in our personal business, we all succumb to the temptation of putting things off until tomorrow, but how can we resist it? Right before Christmas, while surfing on the Internet looking for gift ideas, I came across an article […]
A Briton lands the Best Job in the World In total, 34,684 people applied for the Best Job in the World: island caretaker off the coast of Australia for a salary of AUD$25,000 a month (about CAD$22,000). After a first selection of 50 candidates, then 16 finalists, Britain’s Ben Southall, 34, won the highly coveted […]
Last May, Nicole Lilliman, a Tim Hortons employee, was fired for giving a free Timbit to a baby. The 27-year-old immediately successfully alerted the media. But the story does not end there! Nicole Lilliman had worked for Tim Hortons for three years. For her, it was normal to give a child a 16¢ Timbit, but the store manager had […]