Fo’c’sle Tavern & Sunroom Restaurant

Fo’c’sle Tavern & Sunroom Restaurant jobs

The Fo'c'sle Tavern, located in Chester, Nova Scotia, is affectionately known as “Chester’s Living Room.” It's a welcoming restaurant and bar that invites year-round and summer locals, as well as visitors just passing through. The tavern is situated in a historic building that has served various purposes over the years, including a grocery store, stable, inn, and tavern, with its history dating back to 1764. It's renowned for being a cozy spot that serves a range of Maritime dishes, prominently featuring local seafood and other Nova Scotian products like Acadian maple syrup and apples from the Annapolis Valley region .

Contact us 42 Queen St, Chester, NS B0J 1J0
Chester, NS, NS B0J 1J0
Industry Accomodations, Food services network